rePost::Waterway settlers brace for both 'Ramil' and demolition – Nation – GMANews.TV – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News

This was a nice piece of reportage! I’ve had this meme copied from prof Brad Delong of a better press corps. Praise to those who deserve it ! Nice piece ! Hope you continue doing good work!

Waterway settlers brace for both ‘Ramil’ and demolition
As typhoon Ramil, the fourth typhoon to enter the country in 30 days, starts to threaten Luzon, nearly 108,000 urban poor families living as “informal settlers” along Metro Manila waterways are unsure which disaster will befall them first.Will it be another monster flood rushing across their makeshift communities? Or will it be forced evacuation and eventual relocation under a government program aimed at clearing the clogged waterways of the metropolis?In the wake of the double-whammy cyclones “Ondoy” and “Pepeng” that hit the country since late September, President Arroyo had ordered the forced relocation of urban poor communities living near waterways and other danger areas in Metro Manila and other parts of the country.In particular, the disastrous killer floods that engulfed wide swaths of Metro Manila at the height of “Ondoy” brought again to the fore the long-standing question about the role of these urban poor communities. The shanty-towns and their garbage block the flow of water, thus worsening the impact of typhoons, so goes the criticism.
via Waterway settlers brace for both ‘Ramil’ and demolition – Nation – GMANews.TV – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News.

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