rePost::Aquino, Roxas get pop star welcome in Negros –, Philippine News for Filipinos

Noynoy needs to differentiate himself , his volunteers, his friends and followers otherwise, this is just another popularity contest. He must not only try to rise above Philippine Electoral Politics but he needs to take us along, he must be the tide upon all our boats rise! People go with the tide , Leaders are the Tide!

Aquino, Roxas get pop star welcome in Negros
By Carla Gomez
Inquirer Visayas
First Posted 17:47:00 10/08/2009
BACOLOD CITY, Philippines—Senators Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III and Manuel “Mar” Roxas II, who have announced their candidacies for president and vice president under the Liberal Party in next year’s elections, got a pop star welcome from a sea of yellow crowds in three cities in Negros Occidental on Thursday.
People shouting “Noy-Mar Na!” surged forward to touch the two, get their autographs and have their pictures taken as the duo went on stage in Talisay, Bacolod and Bago cities.
Aquino said the crowds were overflowing because people want to see change in government.
“If we continue with this momentum, we will make change a reality,” Aquino said.
Butch Abad, campaign manager of the two, said it was not very hard to campaign for Aquino and Roxas because of the spontaneous outpouring of support from the people.
“This is a normal reception for them everywhere they go because they have made it very clear that this is a people’s campaign,” Abad said.
via Aquino, Roxas get pop star welcome in Negros –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

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