rePost::Three –, Philippine News for Filipinos

Damn, lots of relief operations are closing up and we still have 400,000 people in evacuation centers, typhoon pepeng is coming and I don’t know who will deliver food to the evacuees in the middle of the typhoon. I hate to say this but we need to borrow some amphibious vehicles from the US government.
If the Philippine government can’t get it’s act together, I feel that 2010 is really too long a time to wait for the removal of these DAMNED people in power! Tangina Ninyo!
An excerpt of the excellent article by de quiros. Hope you read the whole thing.

Three, indeed to this hour, what government we have is courtesy of the private sector where voluntarism has sprung like wildflowers. That is the bright spot in all this, the light amid the darkness, the blazing sun after the storm. Truly the Filipino rises to his finest self during trying times, the more trying the times, the finer the rising. Or it is in times of disaster that the Filipino ceases to be a disaster, thinking of others first before self.
It’s especially heartening to see the kids go en masse on relief mode. Many of the kids in my neighborhood have done so, teeners who normally while away the holidays playing basketball, flipping rollerblades, and drinking beer in the stores. They’ve enrolled themselves to help without thought of pay, without thought of recompense, without thought of reward. Just the thought of doing something nice for a change, just the thought of doing something to make things better.
It rekindles memories of the July-August floods of 1972, when students also went in droves to places in Greater Manila no longer traversable by land, or indeed outside the metropolis where they were greeted by a greater ravaging. But then there was activism to fuel, or goad, or flagellate the youth to idealism. Well, there was also the prospect of meeting a cool chick or a cool cat while on your best form. Today, there’s just spontaneous goodwill to do the trick. And the prospect of meeting a cool chick or a cool cat while on your best form. The kids come home happy, comparing the welts and bruises on their arms from lifting crates while drinking beer in the stores.
Makes you wonder what on earth you need government for.
via Three –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

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