FYI::COMELEC | Election Automation 2010 | Press Releases

COMELEC fixes the deadline for the change and transfer of polling places to November 30
Date: 24 September 2009
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In compliance with Section 153 of the Omnibus Election Code, the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) has fixed the deadline for the filing of petitions/requests for transfer of polling places in connection with the 2010 polls to November 30, 2009.
The Omnibus Election Code explicitly provides that no location of polling places shall be changed within forty-five (45) days before a regular election and thirty (30) days before a special election, referendum or plebiscite except in case it is destroyed or it can not be used.
Saying that it foresees various petitions/requests from registered voters or political parties for the transfer of polling places; the COMELEC said “there is a need to fix the deadline for the filing of petition/request for transfer of polling places to jibe with the timelines prescribed by the Commission to perform pre-election activities and to give the Election and Barangay Affairs Department enough period to assess, evaluate and make recommendations to the Commission En Banc and the latter ample time to approve/disapprove such request.”
The COMELEC, in Resolution 8676, promulgated September 23, 2009; resolved to fix the deadline to November 30, 2009.
“No request/petition for transfer of polling place shall be entertained after the deadline except in case the existing polling place is destroyed or it can not be used,” the COMELEC ruled. ###
via COMELEC | Election Automation 2010 | Press Releases.

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