20 Year Bet Watch::Son of ex-general Garcia lives in style amid US house arrest – Nation – GMANews.TV – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News

Big Fuck You!  I made a bet with vince that the Philippines would be a great country in 20 years , this was around 4 years ago, I believe I am losing, THis is the first post in the 20 year Bet Watch series!
Sometimes I have this fantasy of being a punisher like character and extract vengeance in behalf of all the soldiers and all the poor people of the Philippines. damn.

Readers protest vs Davis’ piece
Davis’ article on Garcia’s lifestyle did not sit well with some angry readers.
“My good lord, I could not even articulate how disgusted I am by this article, or, to be more accurate, by this animal. His father was a mere major general in an impoverished country where a college teacher earns $300.00 a month, and here’s a family who can afford all these luxuries,” wrote a reader named “moqueuo.”
“As the butterfly son wails over his lost little freedom, an ankle monitor by his branded leather boots, soldiers of the Philippine army (are) fighting in wet and dangerous jungles…with their worn out boots, dying to help stop terrorists who are part of the group who destroyed your World Trade Center eight years ago,” wrote a certain FlipNFlip.
“People are dying here (Philippines) because money needed to feed and care for people here have to give it up because of the frivolous lifestyle of this Tim Garcia,” FlipNFlip added.
“Pathetic story, pathetic excuse for a man, pathetic family. If Peter Davis is trying to develop a sympathetic character in the form of this guy, Tim Garcia, he’s missed completely. But if he’s revealing the repulsive self-indulgences and wallowing of a depressing little man, well, he succeeded,” read a comment by a certain Edmond Dantes. – GMANews.TV
via Son of ex-general Garcia lives in style amid US house arrest – Nation – GMANews.TV – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News.

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