rePost::Makeover for brother: Kris wants a more fashionable Noynoy – Nation – GMANews.TV – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News

We would definitely have a funnier campaign because of Kris,
Just imagine the unintentional comedy potential of all of this.
Hehe, must say feeling strangely giddy!
On another note Kris is simply a born publicist!

Makeover for brother: Kris wants a more fashionable Noynoy
09/09/2009 | 01:02 AM
From a baby sister to a stage mom? Television host and actress Kris AquinoYap wants a makeover for her brother, Sen. Benigno Simeon “Noynoy” Aquino III, who is being urged to run for president in next year’s elections.
Noynoy’s youngest sister says that since she is the most fashion-oriented among the siblings, she has decided to take charge of improving her brother’s image from head to toe.
Lahat ng shirts niya kasi, ako nagpatahi. Lahat noong black. Kasi pangit ‘yung fit, kaya pinasukatan ko siya ng maayos. (All his black shirts, I had them made for him. His shirts before did not fit him well, so I made him fit better ones),” says Kris in an interview aired Tuesday night over GMA Network’s 24 Oras, adding that she had asked fashion designers Paul Cabral and JC Buendia to take care of Noynoy’s formal wear.
via Makeover for brother: Kris wants a more fashionable Noynoy – Nation – GMANews.TV – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News.

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