Good Guys Lose

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Fortune Favors the Brave by Dr Chris Hart

Chances are your mother always told you to go for a nice guy. Someone who’s dependable, loving, committed and getting on in life. And who likes children.

Good advice, eh? So how come it’s so easy to fall for an out and out rogue? It’s all to do with how bravery’s so seductive. Having a big brave guy at your side – even if only to boost your ego – is pretty irresistible, isn’t it? But what about the sensitive, caring ‘new men’ we’re all supposed to admire? Yes, well maybe. But heroism and risk-taking’s what really gets to us. You prefer a brave man to a wimp, don’t you? Both for a partner or as a friend? Maybe because in the past women needed brave men to protect them and their children. A man who could hunt well and provide food. Even now, in our violent world, having a man around who’s willing to protect you feels like a good idea.

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