Hey Paul Krugman

Timothy F.
Image via Wikipedia

lyrics from nyt freakonomics blog here:
Hey Paul Krugman,
Why aren’t you in the administration?
Is there some kind of politicking that I don’t understand?
I mean, Timothy Geithner is like some little weasel.
Wasn’t he in a position of power
when all this sh*t went down in the first place?
When I listen to you, things seem to make sense
When I listen to him, all I hear is blah, blah, blah.
Hey Paul Krugman,
where the hell are ya, man?
‘Cause we need you on the front lines
not just writing for The New York Times.
I’d feel better if you were calling some shots
instead of writing your blog and probably thinking a lot.
I mean, don’t you have some influence?
Why aren’t you secretary of the Treasury?
For God’s sake, man, you won the Nobel Prize.
Timothy Geithner uses TurboTax.
When I listen to you, things seem to make sense.
When I listen to him, all I hear is blah, blah, blah.
Hey Paul Krugman, where the hell are ya, man?
(Obama Breakdown)
Sing it with me!
When I listen to you, things seem to make sense.
When I listen to him, all I hear is blah, blah, blah.
Hey Paul Krugman, where the hell are ya, man?
Your country needs you now.

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