-rePost-The Persistence of Ideology by Theodore Dalrymple, City Journal Winter 2009

The feeling of oneness you get, the feeling that you are not alone in your struggle, I’d have to confess I had that moment in the movie hero when the emperor shi huang ti was telling the unamed assassin(jet li) knowing that someone truly understands him, an of all people his enemy , he is ready to die! I felt a lot less than him. I was happy knowing that I am not alone.

Who, then, are ideologists? They are people needy of purpose in life, not in a mundane sense (earning enough to eat or to pay the mortgage, for example) but in the sense of transcendence of the personal, of reassurance that there is something more to existence than existence itself. The desire for transcendence does not occur to many people struggling for a livelihood. Avoiding material failure gives quite sufficient meaning to their lives. By contrast, ideologists have few fears about finding their daily bread. Their difficulty with life is less concrete. Their security gives them the leisure, their education the need, and no doubt their temperament the inclination, to find something above and beyond the flux of daily life.
If this is true, then ideology should flourish where education is widespread, and especially where opportunities are limited for the educated to lose themselves in grand projects, or to take leadership roles to which they believe that their education entitles them. The attractions of ideology are not so much to be found in the state of the world—always lamentable, but sometimes improving, at least in certain respects—but in states of mind. And in many parts of the world, the number of educated people has risen far faster than the capacity of economies to reward them with positions they believe commensurate with their attainments. Even in the most advanced economies, one will always find unhappy educated people searching for the reason that they are not as important as they should be.
The Persistence of Ideology by Theodore Dalrymple, City Journal Winter 2009.

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