Inspiration–The hidden enemy at Paulo Coelho’s Blog

I actually do this, I got Fired from my First and Second Jobs and whenever I feel uninspired to work, I either read the emails of my boss from my first job or read my evaluation from my second job. I get energized whenever i do this.

The hidden enemy
by Paulo Coelho on January 28, 2009
The friends of the warrior of the light wonder where his energy comes from. He answers: “from the hidden enemy.”
His friends ask him who that is.
The warrior answers: “someone we cannot hurt.”
It may be a boy who beat him in a fight when they were youngsters, the girlfriend who left him at the age of eleven, the teacher who called him stupid.
The hidden enemy becomes a stimulus. When the warrior is tired, he remembers that he has yet to show his courage.
He does not think about vengeance, because the hidden enemy is no longer part of his history. He thinks only of improving his skills so that his feats can be known to all and reach the ears of those who have hurt him in the past.
Yesterday’s pain has become today’s strength.
The hidden enemy at Paulo Coelho’s Blog.

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