I Am A Producer!

I believe I am and I will do everything I can to be right1

While it’s true you’re likely a mixture of both types and will experience fluctuation in your ratio of production vs. consumption from one month to the next, unless your name is Robert Scoble you have to choose one or the other.
To recap:
* Consuming for the pure love of learning is absolutely ok.
* Producing purely because you have a fire that won’t die until you do is fine, too.
* But don’t kid yourself about who you are.
If you’ve been reading startup blogs for years and never started anything, it’s time to accept that you’re a consumer.
If you have 50 software product ideas and your hard drive is littered with folders containing 30 lines of code from each, you’re a consumer (or at least a producer who has trouble finishing things).
And if you figure out that you are a producer, stop daydreaming about the day you’ll make things happen. Start making it happen in the next 30 days, or forever hold your peace.
The Single Most Important Career Question You Can Ask Yourself | Software by Rob.

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