At McDonald’s, the Happiest Meal Is Hot Profits –

Photo of a 20-piece box of McDonald's Chicken ...
Image via Wikipedia

They still don’t do this here in the Philippines, except that we have lots of 24 hour McDonald’s store here. Maybe in a year or two. People mainly go to Starbucks to be seen, and moves like improving the interior design and making it a hip again would do wonders. In the Philippines McDonald’s is being squeezed at both ends. Local food Giant Jollibee has the lower end markets cornered whilst Starbucks has the middle to higher end markets for itself. McDonald’s here is finding it hard to find an image for itself. I think that their approach in the USA would also be a great fit for the Philippine market.

CHRIS WARD, 23, didn’t go to McDonald’s much because it wasn’t open late enough for after-hours snacks.
Casey Fillian, 32, and her friend Carol Milano, 33, gave up their teenage McDonald’s habit when they became more health-conscious adults.
And Russ Green, 47, wouldn’t go to McDonald’s because, among other things, he thought its food was unhealthy.
Yet here all four of them are, lined up at McDonald’s one recent morning, lured back by new menu items, longer hours and a sparkling new building that includes flat-screen televisions and video games for children.
Mr. Ward says he’s a regular again because his McDonald’s is open until 1 a.m. Ms. Fillian and Ms. Milano, now moms, say they often bring their children to the playroom and feel no guilt serving them apple slices and white-meat Chicken McNuggets. Mr. Green was drawn back in — grudgingly — because McDonald’s lattes are cheaper and more convenient than those at Starbucks.
At McDonald’s, the Happiest Meal Is Hot Profits –

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