Study Ties Wage Disparities To Outlook on Gender Roles –

Hmm,  This is a nice study and it shows that the feminist movement for eqaul pay for equal work must include not only the disadvantaged women but also the men who have support equal pay.

thanks to matt yglesias here:
Study Ties Wage Disparities To Outlook on Gender Roles
By Shankar Vedantam
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, September 22, 2008; Page A02
Men with egalitarian attitudes about the role of women in society earn significantly less on average than men who hold more traditional views about women’s place in the world, according to a study being reported today.
It is the first time social scientists have produced evidence that large numbers of men might be victims of gender-related income disparities. The study raises the provocative possibility that a substantial part of the widely discussed gap in income between men and women who do the same work is really a gap between men with a traditional outlook and everyone else.
The differences found in the study were substantial. Men with traditional attitudes about gender roles earned $11,930 more a year than men with egalitarian views and $14,404 more than women with traditional attitudes. The comparisons were based on men and women working in the same kinds of jobs with the same levels of education and putting in the same number of hours per week.
Although men with a traditional outlook earned the most, women with a traditional outlook earned the least. The wage gap between working men and women with a traditional attitude was more than 10 times as large as the gap between men and women with egalitarian views.
If you divide workers into four groups — men with traditional attitudes, men with egalitarian attitudes, women with traditional attitudes and women with egalitarian attitudes — men with traditional attitudes earn far more for the same work than those in any of the other groups. There are small disparities among the three disadvantaged groups, but the bulk of the income inequality is between the first group and the rest.
“When we think of the gender wage gap, most of our focus goes to the women side of things,” said Beth A. Livingston, co-author of the study. “This article says a lot of the difference may be in men’s salaries.”
Study Ties Wage Disparities To Outlook on Gender Roles –

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