rePost: Paul Kedrosky: Evaluating Good Bank/Bad Bank, Banking Bailouts, etc.

I think this is excellent advice for problem solving in general.

  1. Imagine what you have to do to solve a problem. Now multiply it by 10(adjust by level of uncertainty) and that’s what you really have to do.
  2. Trying to keep things as they were is futile, be prepared for change.
  3. The surest way to solve a problem is to confront the roots of the problem. The disease and not the symptoms.

from pk here:
Be sure to read this too from the conclusion:
If there are lessons from the experience, several come to the surface:
1. Costs of intervention are generally larger than anticipated;
2. Interventions aimed at preserving the current institutional structure generally do not achieve the expected outcome;
3. The only sure resolution appears to come from confronting the insolvency directly and addressing its financial implications, no matter how large.
Paul Kedrosky: Evaluating Good Bank/Bad Bank, Banking Bailouts, etc..

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