Oh No Another Excuse For Being Fat!

I Don’t Like This Because This Will Affect How I View My and Other People’s obesity, It just feels dirty blaiming genetics for everything , but nonetheless facts are facts!

Somehow I Think I Knew This Already…
from Grasping Reality with Both Hands: Brad DeLong’s Semi-Daily Journal by Brad DeLong
From Gordon’s Notes:
Exercise cannot control obesity gene associated weight gain: The title on this SciAm summary is silly…
Do I look fat in these genes? Exercise can cancel out effects of ‘heavy-weight’ DNA: Scientific American Blog: … Physically active people who carry gene mutations linked to obesity are no more likely to be overweight than those without the variants — as long as they exercise at least three hours a day…
Exercising 3+ hours a day is not compatible with life in a post-industrial world. If these results turned out be generalizable to a reasonable portion of the obese population (big if), then we’d know that exercise won’t control our expanding (sorry) obesity problem. We already know diet doesn’t work, so here’s hoping for great drugs …
Either that, or we get rid of our cars …

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