rePost: RP airs 1st broadcast in South Korea

Koreans are everywhere in the Philippines and I don’t know hope Korea and the Philippines can forge real string ties beyond the Philippines being one of the primary places that Koreans learn speaking English from.
from GMA News Here:

RP airs 1st broadcast in South Korea
08/22/2008 | 09:27 PM
MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines now has its presence felt in the airwaves of South Korea, taking part in a daily multi-cultural radio broadcast, the Foreign Affairs Department said Friday.
The first multi-cultural radio broadcast in Filipino started airing last August 15, a statement on the DFA Web site said.
Aside from Filipino, the multi-cultural radio program will be provided in the languages of three other countries, including China, Vietnam and Thailand, the DFA said.
Regina Arquiza, a Philippine scholar at Ehwa Woman’s University, will host the Philippine segment of the multi-cultural radio program everyday for 30 minutes.
She will play traditional and modern Filipino music, and present educational and cultural programs, such as medical information, legal counseling, job information and an introduction to Korea culture, language and customs.
The program’s time slots are 3 a.m. to 3:30 a.m.; 9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.; and 3 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
It can be heard at audio channel No. 855 of Skylife; channel 811 of cable TV operator C&M; and Internet Web sites of Woongjin Foundation ( and Digital Radio KISS ( respectively.
Woongjin Foundation, the project proponent of the multicultural radio broadcast, hopes to target not only foreign workers but also most especially foreign spouses of Koreans, as a way to help them connect with their roots and keep abreast with developments in their home country.
The Philippine Embassy in Seoul is closely collaborating with Woongjin Foundation by supporting them with materials and information needed by Filipinos at Post. – GMANews.TV

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