rePost: Democrats in Manila to motor for Barack Obama on Sunday

I think I’ll go to this event just out of curiousity. hehehe!
Democrats in Manila to motor for Barack Obama on Sunday
08/22/2008 | 06:13 PM
MANILA, Philippines — Filipino-American Democrats and supporters of US presidential hopeful Barack Obama in the Philippines will gather on Sunday, August 24, for the “Yes We Span” motorcade from the Rajah Sulayman Park in Malate to the foot of Quezon Bridge in Lawton, Manila.
Ben Razon, a member of the Democrats Abroad Philippines Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) team said that, “the event is timed with the kick-off of the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado, on Saturday (Sunday in Manila), and the acceptance of the nomination of Barack Obama for President of the United States.”
Razon said that the event also aims to raise voter registration awareness among Filipino-Americans and US citizen residents in the Philippines.
“This is Manila’s version of more than 50 such events held around the world to mark Senator Obama’s commitment to build bridges across party, ethic and all other lines to reach solutions to our common problems in the US and around the world,” said Razon. “Please join us to show your support.”
The preliminary meet-up location of participants for the Quezon Bridge Yes We Span event is at the parking area of the Aristocrat Restaurant at Rajah Sulayman Park, Malate Church off Roxas Boulevard, from 9:30 am to 10 am, after which the group is to proceed in a vehicle convoy to Quezon Bridge at 10 a.m.
For those driving from the meet-up site to Quezon Bridge, the route is to take Roxas Boulevard straight toward Luneta (Rizal Park and Manila Hotel), turn right at P. Burgos St. through and past the National Museum and Manila City Hall, taking rightmost lane until reaching Metropolitan Theater Building and Park ‘N Ride on the right where the group is encouraged to park their vehicles.
Other events
David McCauley, vice chairman of DAPhilippines said that Georgia McCauley, chair of DA-Philippines, will be representing the group as an Alternate Delegate at the convention – starting next Monday, August 25 (Tuesday morning, Philippine time).
“We are still pushing hard to get US citizens resident in the Philippines to register and vote in the November election,” McCauley said in his email to the members. “Please help by promoting the website to any and all who are interested. Please try to deliver at least 10 additional votes to get the change we need in the US and around the world.”
Razon said that several events have been planned to raise awareness about absentee voting and otherwise gain support for the election of Senator Obama.
On Friday, August 29, between 5:15 p.m. and 7:15 p.m, during Obama’s acceptance speech, Democrats in Manila will meet at TGI Friday’s Restaurant on High Street, Fort Bonifacio to hear David McCauley speak from his vantage as an Obama family friend about the candidate’s Asian and Pacific roots and world view.
McCauley said that there are an estimated 100,000 potential American voters in the Philippines. Many of them have ties to key battleground states, such as Nevada or Virginia.
Additional information on these and other events can be found at – GMANews.TV

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