rePost : ‘Mujahideens’ behind Lanao attacks – Commander Bravo

These are the kind of mentality that gives credence to the fact that a lot of thinkers believe religion to be an nuisance.  Killing, Plunder, terrorism is not excused by God!
Let’s see here is some rebel commander who denies attacking the lanao villages but calls the attack “following the will of God”.
To the MILF command please just gag this commander he is sabotaging these talks!
To the government , Who the F*ck thought of that MOA which is unconstitutional even to a non lawyer like me? Don’t you have lawyers at the negotiating panel! The lives of 36 people were lost because of your incompetence!
from here thanks to GMA news!

‘Mujahideens’ behind Lanao attacks – Commander Bravo
08/20/2008 | 11:33 AM
(Update) MANILA, Philippines — Amid threats of disciplinary action from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) leadership, a rebel commander on Wednesday disowned last Monday’s deadly attacks in Lanao del Norte province and said “mujahideens” fighting for “Allah” (God) were responsible.
“Wala kaming alam diyan sa atake sa Lanao del Norte. Narito kami sa kampo. (We have nothing to do with those attacks in Lanao del Norte. We were inside our camp),” Abdullah Macapaar said in an interview with Radio Mindanao Network.
Commander Bravo, as Macapaar is better known, is the commander of the MILF’s 102nd Base Command, the unit blamed for simultaneous attacks in the towns of Kolambugan, Maigo and Kauswagan last Monday, resulting in the deaths of 36 people including three soldiers.
While denying that his men were responsible, Bravo justified the role the “mujahideens” played.
“Ang mga mujahideen ang may gawa niyan, ‘yun sundalo ng Allah. Ang sinusunod nila ay ang talagang kautusan ng Panginoon Allah. (It was the mujahideens, God’s warriors, who were responsible. They only follow the will of Almighty God),” he said.
At the same time, Bravo warned that his group would not stand idly by and to answer fire with fire should government forces decide to attack MILF positions.
“Kung dumating ang mga sundalo dito (sa kampo namin), handa kaming makipag-barilan hanggang maubos kami at kung hindi nila kami maubos ay uubusin namin sila. Walang ng usapan hanggat hindi ibinibigay sa amin ang Islamic justice sa Mindanao,” he said.
MILF high officials earlier denounced the attacks on civilian targets in Lanao del Norte and other parts of Mindanao last Monday and said these were not authorized by the group’s central committee.
MILF spokesman Eid Kabalu, who was interviewed by RMN after Bravo, said the attacks are now being investigated by the joint government and MILF ceasefire panels, and that appropriate punishments await whoever was responsible.
Lt. Col. Ernesto Torres Jr., Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) spokesman, expressed disbelief over Bravo’s denials.
“Just this morning, there was condemnation coming from the MILF leadership of what Kato and Bravo did. So it’s not only the AFP and PNP who are saying these two commanders were responsible for the attacks,” he said in a separate interview.
Umbra Kato is the MILF commander whose unit was blamed for attacks on civilian targets in North Cotabato province last week.
On Bravo’s statement that they are ready to fight to the last man, Torres said: “Well it’s up to them. We will pursue them to punish them for their criminal acts.” – GMANews.TV

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