My Bohemia the Net

The feeling of alienation that one feels with the world at large leads one to a nuanced depression.
A sense of limbo and utter dejection with the present reality that engulf ones own existence.
To me the internet was my bohemia, a place for misfits, rejects, dreamers and people somewhat unhappy/unsatisfied with the world as it is.
from Vanity Fair here:
It isn’t possible to quantify the extent to which society and culture are indebted to Bohemia. In every age in every successful country, it has been important that at least a small part of the cityscape is not dominated by bankers, developers, chain stores, generic restaurants, and railway terminals. This little quarter should instead be the preserve of—in no special order—insomniacs and restaurants and bars that never close; bibliophiles and the little stores and stalls that cater to them; alcoholics and addicts and deviants and the proprietors who understand them; aspirant painters and musicians and the modest studios that can accommodate them; ladies of easy virtue and the men who require them; misfits and poets from foreign shores and exiles from remote and cruel dictatorships. Though it should be no disadvantage to be young in such a quartier, the atmosphere should not by any means discourage the veteran. It was Jean-Paul Sartre who to his last days lent the patina to the Saint-Germain district of Paris, just as it is Lawrence Ferlinghetti, last of the Beats, who by continuing to operate his City Lights bookstore in San Francisco’s North Beach still gives continuity with the past.

One Reply to “My Bohemia the Net”

  1. I totally agree with you. I have spent my career feeling like a misfit and trying to be different until I realized it was OK to be different and how I could make that work for me. I think the Internet is one great place where you can be that Bohemian. But there are even opportunities outside too. For example, David Whyte is a poet in the corporate world. His books are quite amazing.
    I love your site. It affirms many things I believe in. Thanks!

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