Great News For The RH Bill–GMANews.TV – 63% of Pinoys favor RH bill, Pulse Asia survey says – Nation – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA

This is Excellent news! There may still be hope to pass this bill , maybe people are beginning to understand how

63% of Pinoys favor RH bill, Pulse Asia survey says
01/19/2009 | 09:43 AM
MANILA, Philippines – Despite the Church’s all-out campaign against it, six of 10 Filipinos favor a proposed bill on reproductive health pending at the House of Representatives, according to a survey by Pulse Asia.
Pulse Asia said the survey also showed eight of 10 Filipinos believe government should not only educate couples on family planning but also provide them with services and materials.
“A considerable majority of Filipinos 63 percent, whether aware or unaware of the reproductive health bill, expresses support for the proposed legislation while only 8 percent are not in favor and 29 percent are ambivalent on the matter,” it said.
Pulse Asia said majorities ranging from 56 percent in the Visayas to 79 percent in Class ABC are in favor of the bill.
GMANews.TV – 63% of Pinoys favor RH bill, Pulse Asia survey says – Nation – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA.

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