Why I Never Got Into Guitar Hero-Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: Complete control

Guitar Hero is in that sweet spot where it is hard enough to get the competitive juices flowing , but not hard enough to turn of a mass of people that would require playing it to recoupe all the expenses in licensing /creating /all production and marketing expenses.
If I was to waste as much time in doing something, I’d probably just learn the damn instrument (Guitar) and try to create music. I saw the ted talk of the Guitar Hero creator, and I admire his desire to bring music to everyone. I hope this funded his research, because it is far from successful if that is his goal.
I hate it when I have strong feelings on something, I tend to be incoherent, too many thoughts wanting to express themselves simultaneously and  when you get around to it the thought is lost.

“I’ve been puzzled by the popularity of the game Guitar Hero,” writes Rob Horning at PopMatters. “If you want a more interactive way to enjoy music, why not dance, or play air guitar? Or better yet, if holding a guitar appeals to you, why not try actually learning how to play? For the cost of an Xbox and the Guitar Hero game, you can get yourself a pretty good guitar.” Horning, apparently, doesn’t quite get the point of prosumerism; its joys are lost on him. He continues: “I can’t help but feel that Guitar Hero (much like Twitter) would have been utterly incomprehensible to earlier generations, that it is a symptom of some larger social refusal to embrace difficulty.”
Rough Type: Nicholas Carr’s Blog: Complete control.

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