Enormous Happiness– All by ourselves alone – Roger Ebert's Journal

This made me remember how i text myself whenever I am truly happy. I haven’t for a while. This made me realize how rare being truly happy is. What I mean is that the peaks, being enormously happy in the words of Roger Ebert, Is not something we have control over.
To complete the thought. It is entirely out of your control to be enormously happy but to be happy is totally within your power. Cherish the rare moments and work for the happiness.

Suddenly I was filled with an enormous happiness, such a feeling as comes only once or twice a year, and focused all my attention inward on the most momentous feeling of joy, on the sense that in this moment everything is in harmony. I sat very still. I was alone at a table in a square where no one I knew was likely to come, in a land where I did not speak the language, in a place where, for the moment, I could not be found. I was like a spirit returned from another world. All the people around me carried on their lives, sold their strawberries and called for their children, and my presence there made not the slightest difference to them. I was invisible. I would leave no track in this square, except for the few francs I would give to the cafe owner, who would throw them in a dish with hundreds of other coins.
All by ourselves alone – Roger Ebert’s Journal.

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