Philippe: You need to take baby steps. I want to clarify one thing; these types of decisions are not solely an issue for mainframe or legacy systems. It can be a monolithic Java or .NET applications. It’s really any application which is difficult to segment. So then after their struggle on how to start, and because these applications are mission-critical, you need to enhance and you need to transform that application, but you need to be sure that this system will not collapse, or still provide services and value.
So for that you need to understand the as-is architecture, how it’s structured, to be sure that if you don’t know a specific layer or specific aspect, you will be able to investigate, define a plan, and then execute this plan. It doesn’t have to be a long approach, to rewrite from scratch into a microservice. Maybe begin by defining specific baby steps in a way to transform the presentation, as an example, and then after decouple different sections or modules.
That’s all for Part 1! Tune back in tomorrow when we’ll cover ‘as-is’ architectures.
Source: Should Every Application Leverage Microservices? Part 1 – DZone Microservices