Did You Know There Are 5 Levels of Listening?

Listening for EmotionAt the fourth level we listen for any emotions and or identity issues that may be driving their argument.  These emotions or issues may (unlikely) or may not (most assuredly) make sense to us but at this level we recognize their significance to the other side as they talk about what is important to them. Listening for Their Point of ViewOne level beyond that is where we listen for what their argument, phrase, or statement says about who they are in world.  What does it symbolize or represent to them?  This is where we filter their emotion and logic through a prism of empathy. It is where we should be as negotiators. Getting beyond the cursory level of understanding to a deeper appreciation of their world view.  If we do not understand their world view, we do not really understand them.  If we do not understand them, we will never influence them.  It it is difficult to maintain this level of listening every waking moment of everyday but we need to be ready and willing to get here when the situation dictates.

Source: Did You Know There Are 5 Levels of Listening?

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