Do people live up to our expectations?

People do great work because that’s the kind of work they want to do. They care about the work, they care about themselves, they care about the people they’re working with, and they care about the people they’re doing the work for. They don’t do it because you expect them to do great work. You didn’t hire them to do shitty work, did you?

Yes, you can help motivate (or demotivate) people. Yes, you can help lead (or confuse) people. Yes, you can create an environment where people feel comfortable doing/acting/being their best (or worst). You can influence through your actions, and how you treat, and teach, and act towards them, but your expectations have nothing to do with their output


So no, I don’t believe people live up to your expectations. I believe they live up or down to their own intrinsic. They do good because they enjoy doing good. Doing good is meaningful for them.

Source: Do people live up to our expectations?

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