What Big Data Tools Do Java Developers Use? – DZone Big Data

Here comes another post on publishing the results of the Java survey I ran recently where I asked developers on tools/frameworks they used in the last 12 months. Respondants had the option to choose from a predefined list of options or select Others and provide their own choice. In this post we’ll be covering Big Data tools. If you haven’t seen the previous posts on the Java survey, here’s the list of topics covered in it: Languages Web Frameworks Application Servers Data Access Tools for SQL SQL Database

Source: What Big Data Tools Do Java Developers Use? – DZone Big Data
The struggle is real. The struggle to keep current in technology is a never ending and frankly a losing battle but it is what it is. For people who love to create, to design, to implement this is not a struggle but more of a frustration that what we design is almost never the best but a half approximation of the best. Not for lack of trying but for lack of time to study everything.
Hope to go through these series of post.

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