7 Lies Employers Use To Trick You Into Working For Them | J.T. O'Donnell | LinkedIn

7 Potential Lies Told In The Hiring Process
Any time a company makes the following claims, you should push back and try to get more information before assuming it’s the truth. While some can deliver, others can’t – and it’s up to you to figure out which ones are sincere. The potential lies are:
There’s a lot of opportunity for advancement.
The bonus structure will double your income.
Your territory is protected and we won’t change it.
You’ll get extensive training.
You’ll have scheduling flexibility and can work from home on occasion.
We’ll hire you some help when it gets busy.
Once you fix this problem/department/project, etc., you’ll get to work on something new and exciting.
via 7 Lies Employers Use To Trick You Into Working For Them | J.T. O’Donnell | LinkedIn.

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