Why I Respect President Aquino | The Society of Honor by Joe America

A Few Cases
Bus Massacre: The rescue was botched. Follow-up was handled well. I recently blogged on that: “Why Mayor Estrada Is Wrong On Hong Kong”
Gloria Arroyo: He jailed her immediately. No pardon. But let’s criticize the glacial pace of justice.
Appointing Chief Justice Sereno: He had the courage to extract Chief Justice Corona from position then defy convention by selecting a junior justice who will seal the Court to integrity for many years.
Ampatuan Massacre: He immediately confronted and jailed a powerful warlord. Another ding for glacial justice.  Arroyo, my bad. JoeAm
The Sultan’s Foray into Malaysia: He was firm. He controlled the outcome without derailing the Mindanao Agreement.
American Ship Reefed in Tabataha: He was calm and firm about restitution.
Taiwan Fisherman’s Shooting: He kept his perspective in the face of the Taiwan President’s undiplomatic rant, and subdued a potentially volatile incident.
China In Philippine Territory: He has taken the high road, one of laws, and has not been provoked by China’s relentless taunts.
Puno and Other Loyalists: He was loyal back. He did not wilt under the pressure of the media sensationalist glare.
Reluctance to Back FOI: I’m not understanding why he does not enthusiastically see FOI as hand-in-hand with good governance. FOI should not have to swim upriver. Ding on the issue.
Zamboanga: He was on scene, firm on not negotiating, and handled VP Binay’s out-of-line stab at a peace agreement quietly.
Negotiations with America on Basing: He insists on staying firmly within Philippine laws.
Typhoon Yolanda and a Confrontational Mayor: He did not accede to the Mayor’s game-playing and refuses to back incompetence.
Take any one of these issues and put yourself at the helm.
Wow. Any one is a potential back-breaker. In the limelight. Dealing with powerful people. Dealing with explosive issues. Every decision, to speak or not to speak, to decide or not to decide, comes under the spotlight of crooks and others who carry about their personal bitterness or agendas. This is not tiddly-winks folks.
via Why I Respect President Aquino | The Society of Honor by Joe America.

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