After New Era, it's harder than ever to mock Russell Brand as a hypocrite | Antony Loewenstein | Comment is free | The Guardian

Political success for society’s invisible souls is rare. So when US investor Westbrook Partners announced last week that it had withdrawn from evicting families at the New Era estate in East London, it was cause for celebration. Instead of building expensive properties, the company sold its development to Dolphin Square Charitable Foundation, an affordable housing organisation. People who faced skyrocketing rents now have security and hope before Christmas.
British writer and comedian Russell Brand was key to this victory. His support of the campaigners on the ground and on social media led The Independent to describe New Era as “Proof that [his] revolution may actually be working”.
via After New Era, it’s harder than ever to mock Russell Brand as a hypocrite | Antony Loewenstein | Comment is free | The Guardian.

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