Binay does not have to be declared guilty to get thrown from the presidential race | The Society of Honor by Joe America

Jejomar Binay would not be a presidential candidate in America. Period.
He has not been convicted of breaking any laws. But he would be convicted of violating the sense of good behavior that we . . . as informed, thinking voters . . . demand.
Why are so many Filipinos just standing by and waiting for a court conviction? Waiting for the Ombudsman? Waiting for impeachment? Waiting for an official act?
Perhaps because in the space between laws and freedoms, Filipinos have no clarity of conscience themselves. Frankly, I don’t wholly understand why there so little condemnation of Vice President Binay from important people who are SUPPOSED to have good ethical bearing. Leaders concede every benefit to the top crook in the land waiting for an official to tell them what to think. It’s like they are ethically impotent. I have shied away from the term cowardly. But . . . they . . . just . . . can’t . . . speak . . . up.
There are no Rizals among the current crop of leaders, I’d guess.
via Binay does not have to be declared guilty to get thrown from the presidential race | The Society of Honor by Joe America.

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