4 undeniable signs that it's time to quit your job

1. You’re too stressed and exhausted, it’s on a different level
While “stress” may be relative to each one of us, there will be jobs that are clearly beyond the workload you were expecting. You feel tired every day, and you dread waking up in the morning because you know what’s ahead of you, and it’s usually not good.
“Hey, you look tired,” says your college friend, who meets you on a Friday night for drinks. The litmus test to knowing if you’re too exhausted from your job is when people start noticing it – physically.
You get sick easily, you have adjusted to 4-5 hours of sleep everyday (heard of the Indian CEO who died, despite this deliberate lifestyle?), and you’re either losing weight (for not ingesting much proper food) or gaining some more (because of stress eating).
All the work stress is not worth it if you’re going to end up in the hospital anyway.
You may be one of those who are happily tired—folks who love their job and are addicted to the everyday adrenaline rush no matter how many items they cross off their list. But you may also be one of those who are simply tired because the demands are just too much, whether quantitatively or qualitatively.
Unfortunately, this is when you might have underestimated the job description before signing that contract or an organizational change burdened you to do more work. If you painfully think that you deserve (and can find elsewhere) a job that is more manageable and suited to your lifestyle, then you should seriously consider moving out.
Remember that your role in this world is to live a life through a job, not end it with one.
via 4 undeniable signs that it’s time to quit your job.

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