John Oliver's Last Week Tonight is better than The Daily Show and The Colbert Report: Here's why.

We need a show like this in our country. Currently the media is subservient only to its need for eyeballs.

Oliver’s show threw a wrench into that possible outcome by taking core bits that once were the sole province of The Daily Show (the punny/smart-assed headlines, the “gotcha” deconstructions of political chicanery, the “Does this person I am interviewing know I am putting them on?” segments, the occasionally surreal imagery) and putting them at the service of education. I’ve watched every installment of Last Week since its debut. Every time, I’ve come away feeling that I’ve truly learned something. In an increasingly degraded journalistic landscape, that’s an astonishing achievement.
via John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight is better than The Daily Show and The Colbert Report: Here’s why..

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