Two schools of thought on the Bangsamoro bill

We can certainly have a successful nation without help from our countrymen from the south but why handcuff ourselves with such a restriction. If you are concerned for ours and our children’s future then this is something that we also need to understand and have an active part on shaping.

MANILA, Philippines – Concerns over the constitutionality of the proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) are centered on these questions: Do you choose to read the Constitution broadly or restrictively? Are you open to the concept of “asymmetrical relationship” between the envisioned Bangsamoro and the central government or are you not?
With these comments, lawyer Oscar Franklin Tan, co-chair of the Philippine Bar Association, summed up the main points of the House ad hoc committee hearing on the bill with former justices and legal experts on Tuesday, October 28. (READ: Legal experts take on Bangsamoro bill)
via Two schools of thought on the Bangsamoro bill.

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