Are Your Employees Quitting YOU?

I’m surprised by the quality of post on linkedin.
Google+ -> Awesome Pics and Tech Community
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Linkedin -> Career Related Stuff.
This is so true. A lot of people quit because they feel nobody s listening.

You may have heard the phrase before, or maybe this is the first time. Employees don’t quit their job, they quit their boss. It’s a favourite of mine because it’s packed with truth.
Think about it. When you’ve made moves in your career was it because of the job itself or a bad leader? It was the ol’ ball and chain, I suspect. (I do understand there are times when employees move on because they are faced with the opportunity of a lifetime, but in my experience this is the exception, not the rule.)
In my first HR job I had a heavy recruitment component to my role. I have to admit that after recruiting full time for 1+ years I was ready for a change. But I didn’t make the switch because of this alone. No, it was largely due to my manager. She wasn’t a horrible person but she lacked management experience and over time I decided she wasn’t someone I wanted to spend time with. So I moved on.
Could something have been done that would have kept me there longer? The answer is yes. Even though I was hitting the end of my learning curve with my existing duties there were other responsibilities I could have been exposed to. Plus it was a growing business so there would have been other opportunities down the road for growth and learning.
For those of you that are wondering if I left for more money, the answer is no. For a junior role, I was paid a pretty penny. I made more at that job than I did at my next two jobs. But I still left. The money wasn’t enough to hold me there. Nine times out of ten, when an employee says they’re leaving for more money, it’s simply not true. It’s just too uncomfortable to tell the truth.
So, what can be done?
via Are Your Employees Quitting YOU?.

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