Superheroes a 'cultural catastrophe', says comics guru Alan Moore | Books |

After completing his current commitments, Moore said he will “more or less curtail speaking engagements and non-performance appearances”.
“I suppose what I’m saying here is that as I enter the seventh decade of my life, I no longer wish that life to be a public one to the same extent that it has been,” he said. “I myself will be able to get on with my work without interruption, which I think is something that I’m entitled to do after all these years, and indeed part of the length of this response might be likened to someone taking their time about unwrapping a long-postponed and very special birthday present to themselves. The truth may or may not set us free, but I’m hoping that blanket excommunication and utter indifference will go some considerable way to doing the trick.”
via Superheroes a ‘cultural catastrophe’, says comics guru Alan Moore | Books |

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