Direct your anger at the greedy rich, not the Wolf of Wall Street film | Sadhbh Walshe | Comment is free |

The same week the movie opened, the very week the birth of Christ, the original champion of social justice, is celebrated, our God fearing GOP-led congress stripped 1.3 million Americans who have been unable to find work of their unemployment benefits. If there were ever victims who needed some attention shed on their plight it is those who lost their jobs and can’t find another one thanks to the recession brought about by the outrageous greed and barely legal (and sometimes not legal at all) behavior of the “too big to jail” financial institutions and those who run them. By comparison guys like Belfort and Prousalis, who at least did some prison time for their crimes, are small players.
via Direct your anger at the greedy rich, not the Wolf of Wall Street film | Sadhbh Walshe | Comment is free |

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