The Next Philippine President

I think I am a busy person but interacting with people such as my bosses leaves me to believe that I am not nearly as busy as I can be.
To combat all the down time that interacting in this world entails; Things like waiting for the 15-45 minutes that will take to cook your food or other stuff like waiting for a meeting or lunch date; I’ve devised thought experiment like games that try to think about either medium/hard solution, medium/long horizon , and or medium/hard cooperative problems.
One of these mental games I’ve played the past year is to envision the next Philippine President. To be more accurate who are the candidates that can better lead our country than our present presidential wannabees like Binay, Mar, Bong Bong and the like.
To answer this question entails answering some bounding questions. Some of which I will state next.

  • Winnability.
  • Personal/Organizational Network.
  • Integrity.

This is a short list and I actually have a much longer list in mind.
I am writing this down for posterity’s sake.
To state that I’ve been thinking about this for more than a year.
And it has been a very fun thought experiment.

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