Goon a Great Fuckin Movie::Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

There are movies out there that I call, in the parlance of TRUE ROMANCE’s Clarence Worley, “Great Fuckin’ Movies.”  DIE HARD’s a GFM.  So’s RIO BRAVO.  So’s HEAT, and ROCKY, and PREDATOR, and Carpenter’s THE THING, and so on.  They aren’t necessarily awards winners, but when you’re done, you sit back, with a satisfied sigh, itch firmly scratched, and say to no one in particular, “That was a Great Fuckin’ Movie.”  Well, GOON is a Great Fuckin’ Movie.  It delivers on every level – humor, emotion, action, and terrific acting from none other than Seann William Scott, who has just made the performance of his career so far.  And I’m not even a hockey fan.
via Ain’t It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news..

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