Props to the Google Reader and Google Plus team

I track myself a lot and over the past few weeks since the redesign of google reader I’ve been using it considerably less. I really enjoy sharin stuff with my google reader friends and I read a lot of diverse things turning off the social features were a real bummer.
But old habits die hard. I was pleasantly surprised how well sharing to google plus from google reader is, save from the fact that a modal dialog popup is really not my thing using the old keyboard shortcut for sharing that has been imprinted to my muscle memory allowed me to discover this “new” feature almost by instinct. The integration with google plus also allows me to share stuff I know people from specific circles I have would be interested in. Wow, I really was beginning to think that the google social stuff are beginning to lead google towards irrelevancy but it seems that they actually knew what they were doing. If this goes on and facebook continues to impede fuck up my stream, I might just have to delete it and just say to people I don’t have a facebook account, find me in google plus!!!!!

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