TED: Britta Riley: A garden in my apartment

I’ve dreamed of having a farm for a long time. I’ve even periodically looked at the prices of lands in different provinces, sketched what I could probably do with it, etc. In short it is one of those long time projects that I will do when I have the capital to spend. For now the knowledge is what I’m building up on.
One of the realizations of this is that as long as the peace and order situation of a lot of undeveloped provinces outside metro manila is resolved farming on the classic sense is just not feasible. Most endeavors have a minimum viable size and the minimum viable size for a classic farm is the size that attracts rent seekers such as govt officials or the parallel govt in impoverished provinces the secessionist.
A few months back I read from Marginal Revolutions blog (If memory serves me right) that Sweden or at least European country you would least expect is a net exporter of food stuffs because its advanced chemical and electronics industry allowed it to go into hydrophonics in a big way. I filed this under study for your farming dreams and also under the fuck if we only had competent leaders we would probably be exporting food again.
While watching this TED talk for some reason tears were coming, I’ve probably been very happy these past days and to see something like this wow, TG. Damn I’ve been very lazy lately. This is only the beginning.

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