rePost::Greg to Differ – Greg to Differ – Listening to the Universe When Travel Goes Bad

well said!

I asked him what he would tell other travelers who may be about to head out on their own and he said:
Your experiences are your own, and no one will ever fully relate to them. You are out on this amazing journey, expereincing and seeing things that are life changing, however everyone back home is still living their lives. People write home, or return home, and feel a depression because they want people to be as excited as they are, and are often let down by the response. The lesson, and a hard one, is to learn to validate your journey to yourself and not look outside to others. Once you are able to do that, I find the depression and loneliness disappears. Life is a collection of stories and expereinces, and if you embrace each day and live in the moment recognizing the story is being written you more easily accept all that comes… And I got some pretty good stories 🙂
via Greg to Differ – Greg to Differ – Listening to the Universe When Travel Goes Bad.

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