rePost::AONC::» Just Because It Works… Doesn’t Mean It Works

The more important question is: what are we trying to do here? What’s the goal?Here’s what I propose as a better standard: when you go to bed at night, are you extremely excited about what you’ve done that day and what’s coming up the next day? Do people tell you about all the awesome things they are doing, in part because of something you’ve created?Are you making art, whether you think of yourself as an artist or not?Whatever your dream is, are you living it?If freedom is one of your highest values, are you experiencing enough freedom in your life?These are some standards I prefer to use. These things are what matters. It’s not just about what works. Because sometimes, it can work… but that doesn’t mean it works.
via The Art of Non-Conformity » Just Because It Works… Doesn’t Mean It Works.

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