rePost::UN Declares Internet Access A Human Right, But Fast and Cheap May Be as Important as Open | Singularity Hub

Whether or not it has any strong hopes of enacting real change, the UN’s report calls states to promote online freedoms in five key ways (paraphrased):

  • Protect citizen’s rights to speak anonymously on the internet.
  • Refrain from building, using, or enforcing real-name databases that link online activity to user identity (even those used by popular companies like Facebook).
  • Acknowledge that national security and anti-terrorism concerns can’t be used to restrict freedom of expression except in the most dire circumstances where there is an imminent and legitimate threat.
  • Take meaningful steps to ensure the privacy of personal data.
  • Decriminalize defamation.

via UN Declares Internet Access A Human Right, But Fast and Cheap May Be as Important as Open | Singularity Hub.

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