Better Press Corp Please :: Owners of Makati condo in fuel leak asked to pay residents –, Philippine News for Filipinos

It seems the headline doesn’t make sense.
Think this should read as Owners of Pipe line with fuel leak asked to pay owners of makati condo and residents.

Owners of Makati condo in fuel leak asked to pay residents
By Maila Ager
First Posted 13:44:00 04/07/2011
Filed Under: Congress, Health
MANILA, Philippines – After holding two hearings, the Senate committees on environment and natural resources, and health has found the First Pilipinas Industrial Corporation (FPIC) responsible for the fuel leak in West Tower Condominium in Makati City and ordered that appropriate actions be taken against the company.
In a 24-page report, the joint panel also recommended that a sufficient compensation package should be given in favor of the residents.
via Owners of Makati condo in fuel leak asked to pay residents –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

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