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‘Gullible’ journalist falls for satirical blog post
03/26/2011 | 06:12 PM
Prominent Filipino journalist Carmen Navarro Pedrosa made a journalistic faux pas on Saturday when she warned Filipino readers not to be gullible — and then proceeded to unwittingly cite fake statistics from a satirical blog.
In her From A Distance column in the March 26 issue of The Philippine Star, Pedrosa expressed concern over the purported findings of a Harvard University study, which claimed that Filipinos are “the most gullible people in the world.”
‘A serious allegation’
“This is a serious allegation we should not ignore… we better take it seriously,” she said.
The problem is that the supposed Harvard study — including its “content analyses of over 500,000 historical documents from 300 different societies” by the “Harvard Institute of Political Progression (HIS-PP)”— is entirely fictitious, the work of satirical blog
Apparently, the satirical nature of the post was lost on Pedrosa, who concluded her writeup by saying, “We are gullible because we are not able or do not question information. We prefer to believe what other persons tell us.”
via ‘Gullible’ journalist falls for satirical blog post – Technology – GMA News Online – Latest Philippine News.

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