FIA:: ::Academic Intimidation – :: ANTI LINK ROT

Reports like these are the reason that I have misgivings about the Freedom of Information Bill that the Philippine Media is lobbying for. As the former Singaporean Prime Minister observes, the Philippines has one of the most active and powerful media in the world yet it does not have a cleaning effect on the public officials of our nation. As he once again observes powerful media people can be bought and the media instead of having a cleansing effect on our public discourse is just another source of slimy bastards(the slimy bastards part is my insertion).

March 25, 2011, 12:45 PM
Academic Intimidation
Regular readers may recall my praise for William Cronon’s Nature’s Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West, a great book that had a big influence on my work in economic geography. Cronon has inspired many other people; Josh Marshall was deeply influenced by his environmental history of New England. Cronon, who teaches at the University of Wisconsin, is, quite simply, a great historian.
He also feels some duty as a citizen, in particular a citizen of his state. So earlier this week he published an op-ed in the Times condemning the power grab by the state’s governor.
And what happened next? Wisconsin Republicans have demanded access to his personal email records.
Yes, personal. Cronon has a email address — but nobody, and I mean nobody, considers such academic email addresses something specially reserved for university business. Actually, according to Cronon he has been especially careful, maintaining a separate personal account — but nobody would have considered it out of the ordinary if he mingled personal correspondence with official business on the dot edu address. And no, the fact that he’s at a public university doesn’t change that: when my students take jobs at Berkeley or SUNY, they don’t imagine that they’re entering into a special fishbowl environment that they wouldn’t encounter at Georgetown or Haverford.
But then, we know perfectly well what’s going on here. Republicans aren’t looking for some abuse of Cronon’s position; they’re hoping to find some statement that can be quoted out of context to discredit him. At the very least, they hope that other academics will henceforth feel intimidated. And somehow, we can be sure that people like, say, Richard Vedder of Ohio University wouldn’t be subject to equivalent scrutiny.
As usual, the nakedness of the thing is what’s surprising.
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