rePost :: Market Manila – Pinoy “ATM” :) – General

Kikita kaya ng malaki sa maynila ito (Will this make a killing in Manila )?
Read Market Manila’s take on the possible economics of these devices. This way of thinking is promising.

Turns out the ATMs were an abbreviation for “Automatic Tubig Machine” or Automatic Water Machines! I took these photos a year ago, but forgot to post them. For one peso (2.4 U.S. cents) put into the “ATM”, you get 250ml of chilled purified water straight into either your recyclable container, or on the dark side, a cheap plastic bag that inevitably ends up polluting the planet. I wonder who dreamt that up?! And whoever did, along with many other copycats, are making a KILLING with them.
via Market Manila – Pinoy “ATM” 🙂 – General.

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