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Capone likes that Matthew McConaughey has decided to return to acting in THE LINCOLN LAWYER!!!Published on: Mar 18, 2011 1:21:22 AM CDTHey everyone. Capone in Chicago here.For all his bad romantic-comedy attempts or just bad movies hello, TIPTOES, I still find Matthew McConaughey an actor worth supporting. When he gets his teeth into a character in films like DAZED AND CONFUSED, LONE STAR, A TIME TO KILL, THE NEWTON BOYS, FRAILTY, WE ARE MARSHALL, and TROPIC THUNDER, he’s kind of unstoppable. And for a guy who is so well known for showing his shirtless torso in every damn movie, what has always fascinated me about his approach to acting is what he’s capable of doing with his face. He can go from seduction mode, concern, fear, and intimidation all with a few tilts of the eyebrows or slight adjustments in how much teeth he shows–not that I’ve ever freeze-framed his face repeatedly watching THE WEDDING PLANNER or anything creepy like that. Heh. But as L.A. attorney Mick Haller in THE LINCOLN LAWYER, McConaughey gets to use all of his acting prowess, and the result is probably the best purely dramatic role he’s every played.
via Ain’t It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news..

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