rePost:: ::Life inside the happiest company in Japan |

To make employees happy
Back when his staff first started to increase, Yamamoto was focusing solely on profit and efficiency, which lead to people quitting, health problems and a general lack of energy.
Since he didn’t have a background in management, he decided to meet with 1,000 different CEOs with a wide range of management styles. What he discovered was that businesses that put a lot of importance on their personnel were the ones that did well.
“The customers interact with the employees, and they need to be happy employees. If they are, then the customers will be happy. Of course, the employees themselves want to take care of the customers. That’s what they are here for, but the management is here to take care of the employee,” Yamamoto explains.
“When there is a conflict between an employee and a customer and the management has to decide which one they are going to protect, it should be the employee,” he continues.
via Life inside the happiest company in Japan |

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