Musings on Tootsie

Look, you don`t know me from Adam.
But l was a better man with you,
as a woman…
…than l ever was with a woman,
as a man.

  • You know you are seeing a great movie when you’ve seen it 4 times and you are still laughing and enjoying it.
  • Blame tootsie if I’m  humming It Might Be You all week long.
  • Tootsie is a comedy, second in the AFI’s 100 laughs list yet it succeeds as a romantic comedy in a way that most romantic comedy these days. In some ways it follows the modern day formula, The music video like shots where the characters get to know each other. The gimmick that is the focal point where most plot points spring from. The feel good ending etc.
  • The camera work in Tootsie was superb in the classic Hollywood sense of getting the angles where Jessica Lange is most beautiful, nothing fancy just solid work with an eye for the right angles.
  • I think I have to research what the hell happened with dustin hoffman as a leading man. DId he just not want it or did he want to be a serious actor??
  • I’m a little biased against rom-coms because what preceeded watching tootsie was the ugly truth.

PS: when Julie didn’t catch a cab the moment she saw Michael you know what happens.

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